Solo show at Fotografiens Hus in Oslo. The works are presented with printing artifacts.
One silver gelatin print among the analog c-prints to change the story up a little.
Solo show at Fotografiens Hus in Oslo. The works are presented with printing artifacts.
Silver gelatin prints/BW darkroom works.
After raising nine guinea pigs, seeing their courage and kindness, I fell in love. It was a personal journey, getting to know their personalities, seeing feelings and needs, interactions among them and their family quarrels. I started to see myself in a broader perspective. Eating meat became impossible. The guinea pigs became my brothers and sisters. We suddenly had a family within the family. We listened to their sounds and imagined interpretations. At one point, I found five of them in the kitchen, lying in a circle facing each other, one making the mystical chirping sound that humans do not understand, the others listening intently. It was pure enigma for me and the beginning of knowledge.
On an everyday basis, they remind me that there is such a thing as unconditional love and that nature does very well without us, but we can not do without nature.
As a former musician, the study of tonality and form is important to me, as is the flow of the melodic line. Music is a way of saying without really saying, a medium to hide oneself to reveal oneself. It gives immense freedom but the freedom is contained, pared-down, as it is in photography. In photography, singular objects can be the means for looking without telling, for asking questions without giving answers. Curtain, Towel, Flower Table Cloth; the examination of these simple objects in time, as they are touched by light, gives the viewer the power to see in darkness.
Tønsbergs Arbeiderforening er min «funny valentine» et for meg mystisk sted som jeg kommer tilbake til igjen og igjen. Stedet er fullt av historier, og disse er ikke «bare» lokale, men nasjonale og internasjonale fordi de handler om menneskelighet, levd liv, valg og kommunikasjon.
Jeg kom fra USA med ett av de siste ordinære flyene før Covid-pandemien virkelig tok tak i verden, og mens enda trodde dette skulle bli en hard influensa. De tre månedene jeg trodde oppholdet skulle vare, varer enda og alt har blitt forandret for meg også, faktisk på alle plan.-Samtidig fikk jeg høre at huset til Tønsbergs Arbeider Forening var solgt. Jeg svingte meg rundt og fikk laget bilder - for dette unike stedet forsvant for godt, i en stil som vel kan kalles personlig dokumentarisme. Prosjektet ga det å komme tilbake til Norge mening for meg. Jeg hadde angret resten av livet, hadde jeg ikke laget disse bildene.
The book Tønsbergs Arbeiderforening has received grants from Stiftelsen Fritt Ord/The Fritt Ord Foundation, Kulturrådet/Arts and Culture Norway and Tønsberg County.
Samples of portraiture I have enjoyed working on.
Wunderkammer; also known as Pride Art, 2021 happened when we all believed the pandemic was over. It became pure energy, heated and saturated, joie de vivre after months of fear, an explosion of hope, before the next surge.
These photographs are from what was called a mini-ball.
The Knitted Condom is a small photobook - 19x14 cm, handsown with linen thread. It is made in 100 numbered and signed copies. It is available from Tronsmo Bokhandel in Oslo or directly from me.
No One is my new little book. Photography and haiku-like text. It is NOK 200 + postage and can be ordered using or bought at the museum shop at Hå Gamle Prestegård or Tronsmo Bookshop in Oslo. Feel free to contact me with any questions.
The zine can be bought directly from me, at ArtBook Book Shop in London and at B*stard Artbook Fair in Lillehammer in June 2022. It is also to be found at The Griffin Museum library and at The Center for Book Arts in NYC.
Tønsbergs Arbeiderforening (Tønsberg’s Worker’s Club) - access to club premises only for members.